The Project Socialist Modernism:
Our approach is focused on protection of built heritage and the research within the borders of the former Eastern bloc, we advocate for the protection of the Socialist Modernism architecture erected in the period between 1955-91. We are dealing with the protection / monitoring / research / preservation of the current state of those cities, including the buildings, monuments, parks, squares, entire districts and green areas, etc.
In the first phase of this project we will concentrate on the analysis / research / study, followed by the second phase, when we will elaborate regulations and will deals with education of local authorities and inhabitants of those protected areas, through a legislative program concerning the architectural stylistics of the buildings/districts erected in socialist era.
The Project Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova:
Interactive Map – Database – ROMD.SOCIALISTMODERNISM.COM – Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The Socialist Modernist Architecture of 1955-1989/91
The Map of Socialist Modernist Architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The map of socialist modernist architecture of Romania and the Republic of Moldova is a small part of the in-depth research conducted by the B.A.C.U. Association in 2013-2018 throughout Romania and the Republic of Moldova. During those years, B.A.C.U. documented, identified, monitored, protected and inventoried socialist-modernist structures, with the intention to include the most valuable of them on Heritage Historic Monuments List of both country’s
The extended research, part of the “Socialist Modernism” program, is available online or in our already published volumes: the architectural guide “Modernist Socialist Architecture – Romania and the Republic of Moldova”, 2018; the photo album “Socialist Modernism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova”, 2017
The socialist-modernist map of Romania and the Republic of Moldova includes some of the landmarks of both countries. Overall, it includes 305 structures organized by function into 8 sections: institutions for education, cult, culture and sports (E); housing buildings (L); commercial and service facilities (C); administration buildings and exhibition halls (A); transport buildings (T); hotels and recreation centers (S); medical centers (H); utilitarian and industrial buildings (U).
The selected structures are accompanied by a short information on authors and years of edification that turn the map into an independent tool for the identification of socialist modernist architecture. The aim of the map is to draw attention to the uniqueness and value of modernist socialist monuments and, last but not least, to support the efforts made by B.A.C.U. to include them on the Historic Monuments List and protect them. Even if some of the buildings are, theoretically, under the protection of the state, they are still in an advanced state of decay or have been inadequately restored.
The Project Socialist Realism:
Interactive Map – Database – SOCIALISTREALISM.ORG – Socialist Realism in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The Socialist Realist Architecture of 1944-1955/58
The Map of Socialist Realist/Neo Classicist Architecture in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The map of socialist realist architecture/neo-classical/stalinist of Romania and the Republic of Moldova is a small part of the in-depth research conducted by the B.A.C.U. Association in 2013-2020 throughout Romania and the Republic of Moldova. During those years, B.A.C.U. documented, identified, monitored, protected and inventoried socialist-realist structures, with the intention to include the most valuable of them on Heritage Historic Monuments List of both country’s
The extended research, part of the “Socialist Realism” program, is available online or in our already published volumes:the architectural guide “Realist-Socialist Architecture – Bucharest”, 2020 edition; the architectural guide “Realist-Socialist Architecture – Chisinau”, 2020 edition
The socialist-realist map of Romania and the Republic of Moldova includes some of the landmarks of both countries. Overall, it includes 121 structures organized by function into 8 sections: institutions for education, cult, culture and sports (E); housing buildings (L); commercial and service facilities (C); administration buildings and exhibition halls (A); transport buildings (T); hotels and recreation centers (S); medical centers (H); utilitarian and industrial buildings (U).
The selected structures are accompanied by a short information on authors and years of edification that turn the map into an independent tool for the identification of socialist realist architecture. The aim of the map is to draw attention to the uniqueness and value of realist socialist monuments and, last but not least, to support the efforts made by B.A.C.U. to include them on the Historic Monuments List and protect them. Even if some of the buildings are, theoretically, under the protection of the state, they are still in an advanced state of decay or have been inadequately restored.
The Project Soc Monumental Art :
Interactive Map – Database – SOCMONUMENTALART.COM – Socialist Monumental Art in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The Socialist Monumental Art of 1955-1989/91
The Map of Socialist Monumental Art in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
The data base and the map of socialist monumental art of Romania and the Republic of Moldova are a small part of the in-depth research conducted by the B.A.C.U. Association in 2013-2019 throughout Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
During those years, B.A.C.Ul (Bureau for Art and Urban Research), documented, identified, monitored, protected and inventoried socialist monumental art forms, with the intention to include the most valuable of them on the Romanian Historic Monuments List.
The extended research of the ”Soc Monumental Art“ sub-program will be available online on www.SocMonumentalArt.com or using the SocMonumentalArt.com application, available on Google Play or Apple Store. The interactive map of socialist monumental art includes some representative objectives of Romania and the Republic of Moldova. Overall, it includes 202 structures organized by art form into 10 sections: (M) mosaic, frescoes and other murals; (Q) sgrafitto; (R) reliefs; (S) sculptural forms; (F) fountains; (D) bus stop decorations; (S) gateway signs; (G) stained glass; (T) tapestry.
The selected art objects are accompanied by a short description and information (date, authors, location) that turn the map into an independent tool for the identification of socialist monumental art. The aim of the map is to draw attention to the uniqueness and value of socialist monumental art and, last but not least, to support the efforts made by B.A.C.U. to include them on the Historic Monuments List and protect them. Even if some of them are, theoretically, under the protection of the state, they are still in an advanced state of decay or have been vandalized or inadequately restored.
The Project Defense Architecture:
Defense Architecture – is an initiative developed by BACU – Birou pentru Artă şi Cercetare Urbană (Bureau for Art and Urban Research). The Defense Architecture project was launched in 2014 by B.A.C.U. Association in order to protect 19th and 20th century military architecture in Central and Eastern Europe and other regions. One of the main goals of our project is to identify buildings that served defense purposes in wartime or were designed to defend cities and towns. Another goal is to rehabilitate war memorials. The objective of the project is an interactive map that would display the most valuable examples of defense architecture in Romania, such as the fortification system surrounding Bucharest and the Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati Fortified Region. These batteries, forts, defense structures, monuments were erected from 1882 to 1916. In the first phase of this project we will concentrate on the analysis / research / study, followed by the second phase, when we will elaborate regulations and will deal with education of local authorities and inhabitants of those protected areas, through a legislative program concerning the architectural stylistics of the military structures erected in 19th and 20th century.One of the lines of action taken by the Defense Architecture project is to initiate classification procedures – as provided by Law no. 422/2001 on the protection of historical monuments – so that one fort and three batteries from the Bucharest fortification system are included on the Historical Monuments List. B.A.C.U. Association has taken steps to include the Bucharest fortifications in the Historical Monuments List, to clarify the legal situation for a number of them and to make them functional, by including the most representative ones in the tourist and cultural circuit.
The Project The Black Sea Defense Front – Romania:
The project is part of a larger program, “Defense Architecture,” initiated by members of the B.A.C.U. association in 2014. The long-term goals of the program are to protect and promote the military heritage built in Central and Eastern Europe during the period 1939-1944/1950-1956.
The objective of the “Defense Architecture – Black Sea Defense Front – Romania” project is to document, archive, and disseminate information related to the architecture built between 1939-1944/1950-1956 on the territory of Romania. To achieve this goal, we have planned a series of activities that will materialize in the creation of an online database in the form of an interactive map. The information contained in the database will be accessible to specialists and the general public interested in military heritage.