Patrimoniu în Pericol! / Heritage Alert!
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Patrimoniu în Pericol!
(English below)
În prima zi a anului 2021 a fost anunțată public, de pagina Universității Tehnce din Moldova (UTM), renovarea celui de al trelia pavilion din complexul UTM, construit în 1974 după proiectul-tip al Institutului KievNii, adaptat de arhtectul B. Vaisben. Renovarea, se pare, are loc fără a se lua în calcul demersul Asociatiei BACU din vara anului 2020 către conducerea UTM, prin care am solicitat executarea lucrărilor de renovare fără distrugerea lucrării de artă monumentală a ultimului pavilion.
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Heritage Alert!
On the first day of 2021, the Facebook page of the Technical University of Moldova (UTM) publicly announced the renovation of the third pavilion in the UTM complex, built in 1974 after a standard project of the KievNii Institute adapted by the architect B. Vaisben. The renovation seems to be happening without taking into account the request addressed by BACU Association to the management of UTM in the summer of 2020, requesting that the renovation takes place without destroying the monumental art work of the last pavilion.
The three pavilions were decorated with three murals with the theme “Ideology, Cosmos and Science”. Two of them were partially destroyed by renovations undertaken in previous years. They were covered with thermal insulation materials, without taking into account their cultural heritage value. In February 2020, application no. 05/2-09/1490 – 06.03.2020 was submitted to the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova for the inclusion of the entire UTM complex, including the aforementioned murals, in the historical monuments registry. Also, a request to include the same UTM Complex and its monumental art works in the list of historical monuments of local significance was submitted to the Chisinau City Hall, and officialy registered under no. 111/3950 of 30.06.2020
Therefore, we would like to remind the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova and Chișinău City Hall to put pressure on the UTM to stop the destruction these samples of socialist monumental art.